Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Perpetual Victim

‎"Everyone is personally responsible for his own actions. In pitying ourselves, we say, "Poor thing, suffering for your own sins! It's alright if you sinned. You shouldn't have to suffer for it." Self-pity actually involves lying to oneself...& is incurable w/o repentance. the difference b/t self-pity & sorrow. Self-pity involves no repentance, while godly sorrow produces repentance." ~Martin G. Collins

Lord knows we've all been there - it's easy to wallow in the depths of self pity when you feel that everything has gone wrong and that there is no hope.  It's an addictive place.  But if you're not careful, it becomes a comfortable place and you can nest there quite nicely. 

The spectrum between beating yourself up for things you've done wrong....all the way to blaming anyone but yourself for your lot in an interesting line to walk.  It always seems that people reside on the wrong end of the spectrum.  The ones that deserve more credit are the ones who beat themselves up and can't forgive themselves.  The ones that have purposefully or maliciously caused drama or pain are often the ones who focus on what everyone else has done to them, with no sense of self-reflection.  Do both ends of the spectrum deserve peace, forgiveness, and healing? Absolutely.  But I have found that you will reconcile your own wrongdoings much more quickly and effectively if you approach it with a grain of reality and naked honesty as you look in the mirror and see where that finger is pointing. 

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