Times have been tough lately. Due to a variety of personal developments in my life (or in others' lives, which in turn impacts my life), I'm left with some residual internal discord. It feels like many days I just manage to make it from start to finish, with not a lot left over at day's end.
Four months ago, I went through a very difficult time that truly taxed (and continues to tax) my soul. An old friend of mine reached out in a gesture of kindness, support, and generosity. She sent me a prayer shawl. It's this rich, cobalt blue color, and it has been draped on a kitchen chair for awhile, as I pondered what exactly to do with it. Well lately, it seems my sadness is worse at bedtime, so I've been taking it to bed with me. For one thing, I'm a cold-natured person and it warms me up. But because it is a prayer shawl, it serves as a reminder to chat with God before I rest my body and mind for as much as the night as I'm able. What's more, it is a physical reminder and sensation of being wrapped up, protected, even held... At the risk of sounding kooky, I've been able to achieve more moments of peace as I create this physical experience of being wrapped up, all while I bask in the spiritual feeling of being wrapped up, chosen, protected, defended, and supremely loved.